Lone Worker Devices

  • Alarmed name badges
  • Personal tracking
  • Voice Connect App
  • Beacon facilities
  • UK based dedicated ARC team

Ensure the safety of your lone workers and meet your duty of care requirements as an employer with our lone worker devices. Voice Connect are proud to have been providing a safer working environment for the UK’s lone workers for over 20 years. We offer a range of devices including the buttoned G5200, two different badge versions and a dedicated app.

The Voice Connect G5200 is an autonomous personal tracker, designed to be easy to use and meet all the latest health and safety legislation for lone workers. The easily accessible alarm button on the front of the device can trigger a two-way call with our dedicated, fully trained Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) team.

A range of safety features help to keep lone workers safe and secure, even in the event of an emergency. GPS tracking allows the device to be tracked in the event of an incident. Man Down and No Movement features can tell when the worker has had a fall, and can trigger an alarm when a fall is detected.

Our dedicated team can provide any support necessary to help your organisation get started using our lone worker devices. For more information and a free quote, contact our team today.

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lone worker with hard hat

Lone Worker Safety Devices

Our range of lone worker safety devices includes the Voice Connect ID Badge. This easy to use personal safety device enables lone workers to raise a silent alarm in a safe, discreet manner.

With a small form factor, the device looks like any ordinary ID badge holder, and can be used with a lanyard or a clasp. The badge links to the Voice Connect Lone Worker App on the staff member’s phone via bluetooth, and features a panic button on the reverse of the badge. Simply press and hold this button and an alarm will be sent to our dedicated ARC team.

The user can start, stop and extend a job using the app, and each job will have a designated finish time. The app runs in the background, so even if the user becomes incapacitated, an alarm will be raised if they fail to cancel the job.

Connecting to a smartphone via bluetooth allows you to save costs, as the badge doesn’t require its own SIM card. This also helps to save battery, with the device lasting up to one month. No phone signal? No problem. The badges can also be used with beacons that can track and raise the alarm if the panic button is triggered.

Protect your employees and lone workers today, with a range of lone worker safety devices from Voice Connect. Contact our team today for more information and a free quote.

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    Key Features

    Phone Access

    The telephone remains the preferred method for patients to contact NHS services. Clinic Partner allows users to book, check, change, and cancel appointments automatically using their telephone keypad or mobile phone.

    Online Booking

    Using email registration, Clinic Partner, enables patients to access past and future appointments from their profile on our web portal. The portal sends appointment reminders via text and allows patients to book and cancel as and when they require.

    Self Check-in

    Be it a fixed kiosk or iPad/tablet check in, Clinic Partner works to alleviate pressure from the reception team with its self-check in features, allowing patients to automatically check-in when they arrive for their appointment. *Please note this is a software only element - the screen is not provided by Voice Connect*

    Calling Screen

    Clinic Partner comes with a waiting room display feature. The system highlights when clinicians are ready for the next patient and directs them to the correct room/cubicle. The feature can also display bespoke messages at the bottom of the screen, managed from the main back office. * Please note this is a software only element - the screen is not provided by Voice Connect*

    Facility Management

    Users of Clinic Partner can configure the system to their bespoke needs, this includes; number of rooms available, clinic opening hours, appointment availability, walk-in appointment availability and weekend/Bank Holiday management.


    Run reports online or via Microsoft Excel, Clinic Partner allows users to have valuable data at their fingertips. The system allows supervisors to access reporting remotely, aiding staff management and planning.

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