Zonith RTLS

Utilising the Zonith RTLS, Voice Connect provide lone worker support for organisations throughout the UK, helping employers to create a safe and secure working environment.

Many organisations in the care, education, government, NHS and commercial sectors have staff that may need to work alone or in a public facing role away from colleagues. Combined with the RTLS, a Bluetooth ID Badge includes a button on the back which can be used to subtly raise a silent alarm if a staff member feels threatened.

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Real Time Location System

RTLS stands for Real Time Location System, which is used to enable staff and equipment tracking in any built environment. Bluetooth beacons and receivers are strategically placed throughout your facility. Alongside the use of wearable tracking devices, such as the Zonith ID Badge, this enables staff or visitors to be located when needed.

Voice Connect can implement the Zonith system in any building, helping to create a safe and secure working environment. Beacons placed throughout the building enable staff to be located by a control centre. Staff can also raise an alarm if they need assistance or an incident occurs.

The Badge and Beacon system provides the ideal solution for areas with poor or no mobile phone coverage. These may be higher risk environments such as bank vaults, refrigerated areas and warehousing or lower risk environments such as an office space. The badge or, if suitable, a wall or table mounted panic button enables a member of staff to raise an alarm by simply triggering the panic button. Their location will be transmitted by the beacon, enabling the source of the incident to be easily located.

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Incident Alert System

The ability to raise an alarm in case of an incident can help to improve health and safety for staff in a wide range of commercial and professional establishments:

  • Shops
  • Universities & Schools
  • Prisons
  • Job Centres
  • Advice Bureaus
  • Hospitals & Medical Centres
  • Banks
  • Warehousing and Storage
  • Security Personnel
  • Utility Companies

Protect your employees and comply with all the latest health and safety legislation. Contact Voice Connect today for more information and a free quote.

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    Key Features

    Phone Access

    The telephone remains the preferred method for patients to contact NHS services. Clinic Partner allows users to book, check, change, and cancel appointments automatically using their telephone keypad or mobile phone.

    Online Booking

    Using email registration, Clinic Partner, enables patients to access past and future appointments from their profile on our web portal. The portal sends appointment reminders via text and allows patients to book and cancel as and when they require.

    Self Check-in

    Be it a fixed kiosk or iPad/tablet check in, Clinic Partner works to alleviate pressure from the reception team with its self-check in features, allowing patients to automatically check-in when they arrive for their appointment. *Please note this is a software only element - the screen is not provided by Voice Connect*

    Calling Screen

    Clinic Partner comes with a waiting room display feature. The system highlights when clinicians are ready for the next patient and directs them to the correct room/cubicle. The feature can also display bespoke messages at the bottom of the screen, managed from the main back office. * Please note this is a software only element - the screen is not provided by Voice Connect*

    Facility Management

    Users of Clinic Partner can configure the system to their bespoke needs, this includes; number of rooms available, clinic opening hours, appointment availability, walk-in appointment availability and weekend/Bank Holiday management.


    Run reports online or via Microsoft Excel, Clinic Partner allows users to have valuable data at their fingertips. The system allows supervisors to access reporting remotely, aiding staff management and planning.

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