Patient Partner, Bristol

Patient Partner, Bristol

Specifically developed to solve communication problems experienced in General Practices whilst easing the load on reception staff, Patient Partner is a cost-effective solution that benefits patients and staff alike.

Female nurse on the phone

Patient Partner works very well with EMIS.

Voice Connect have installed our Patient Partner system at a surgery in a reasonably affluent area near to Bristol city centre. The practice, which first opened in 1966, has extended to include around 9,700 patients on its register, a large proportion of whom are professional people who make informed and appropriate decisions about their healthcare. The surgery currently has 8 doctors in addition to 16 staff who work in a range of administrative, support and clinical roles.

Extended opening hours and a steadily growing population mean that phone lines at most surgeries across the UK are constantly busy. Prior to installing Patient Partner, this surgery was no different. The practice decided to look into using an automated appointment booking system due to a progressive increase in telephone calls, which contributed to a general increase in workload for reception staff.

Heather Carrigan, Business Development Manager at the surgery, admits that they had some reservations before going ahead with Voice Connect’s Patient Partner system. “We were concerned about how our patients and staff would react and whether our appointments and tirage set up would streamline smoothly with the Voice Connect system,” she explains. “We were also concerned about how it would integrate with our nurse team appointments.”

However, Heather is pleased to report that, some inevitable teething problems aside, the installation went smoothly and that Patient Partner has lived up to expectations, complementing the current procedures in place and integrating successfully with EMIS.

Man standing at reception desk

“It has certainly helped us in many areas, such as managing the reception team’s workload”

“Patient Partner works very well with our EMIS system,” comments Heather. “It enabled us to make significant improvements in many aspects of the day-to-day life of the practice. We have reduced call congestion, particularly at peak call times, by offering patients more flexibility when they call. The system has also freed up receptionists’ time and has reduced DNAs (Did Not Attends) at the practice.”

Heather also reports that Patient Partner has been well received and is used successfully by most patients, although a few are more resistant to the change. “We have had some critical comments from patients who are frustrated at not getting the appointment at the time or on the day they were hoping for,” she explains. “However, I would advise a practice with the system to tackle this by continuing to promote it to the patients so they can experience for themselves how well it works. It’s also worth following up failed validations, explaining to patients what went wrong and why, to restore their confidence that the system really does work.”

Heather describes the support from Voice Connect throughout the transition and implementation process as “excellent” and would have no hesitation in urging another surgery to consider installing Patient Partner. “I would say go for it!” she comments. “The capital outlay in year one seems a bit off-putting at first, but I think the benefits far outweigh this. From year two onwards, we are expecting the Voice Connect system to earn its keep. It has certainly helped us in many areas, such as managing the reception team’s workload by removing routine call handling, allowing them to develop skills in other areas. This system enables us to monitor demand and report on levels of phone activity which we were unable to do before. It has also improved patient satisfaction and has played an important part in supporting the management of an increasing patient list, without the need to routinely increase staffing levels.”

Patient Partner, Cheshire

Patient Partner, Cheshire

Patient Partner from Voice Connect is an elegant, cost-effective solution that allows patients to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access the many services your practice offers.

Female doctor with patient

Patient Partner helps offer a better standard of care.

Voice Connect have installed our Patient Partner system at a surgery in North East Cheshire. The two-site practice covers a boundary of 150, with the main surgery being situated in the market town of Frodsham and the branch surgery being located in the nearby village of Kingsley.

The practice has over 12,000 patients on its list, drawing from a demographic with a higher than average proportion of residents over the age of 65. The practice staff includes 8 GPs, 5 nurses, 2 HCAs, 2 phlebotomists and 30 administrative and reception staff.

Ensuring patients find it easy to contact the surgery is a major concern for the practice management team. Having introduced an online system for booking appointments and ordering repeat prescriptions, it was decided that an automated telephone appointment booking system would be a more inclusive solution to further extending patient access.

Practice Manager Paul Smith explains: “Although our online system works well, it leaves a deficit of patients without access to the internet who cannot take advantage of 24/7 availability. Having looked at the options available, we decided that Voice Connect’s Patient Partner would be a perfect fit with our online service, ensuring full availability for all patients.”

Paul was proved right as Patient Partner proved popular from the word go. “Within the first month, Patient Partner had become the preferred option for booking appointments online,” he explains. “Our patients are very happy to have this as an easy-to-use option.” In a typical month, patients use the system to complete around 500 appointment actions. Usage peaks around lunchtime andin the morning; this service is also used during the weekends. Many patients also use Patient Partner to cancel their appointments.

Doctor with patient standing at nurses station

“The support from Voice Connect has been first class”

Unlike booking via the internet, users don’t have to remember a password. Those using the automated system simply enter their date of birth and telephone number, making it simpler and quicker to use. The service is available 24/7 and also gives patients the option of choosing a female or male doctor as the ability to select specific GPs.

However, whilst patient satisfaction is very important, for the system to work properly, it also needs staff approval. Reception staff report that Patient Partner has reduced the number of calls they have to deal with, easing pressure on reception, particularly during peak call times such as Monday mornings.

In fact, installing Patient Partner has helped with a variety of issues. As well as easing call congestion, the system has raised patient satisfaction levels, ensured better communication levels between surgery staff and patients and improved call handling, reducing the stress placed on surgery staff.

Paul is pleased to report that the transition process all worked very smoothly, despite the sophistication of the technology involved. “The planning, installation and operation process for Patient Partner was probably the least problematical install of a highly complex and technical system we have ever had – in fact, there were no problems,” he says. “From the planning day through the install and switch on, we felt in control and able to demonstrate to staff what would happen at a very early stage. During and since that time, the support form Voice Connect has been first class.”

Paul also has two words for any surgery looking to improve communication and access by using Patient Partner: “Do it!”.

Communication Software, Warwickshire

Communication Software, Warwickshire

Voice Connect have developed a mass communication tool in VC Relay which allows organisations to communicate easily and effectively with the general public. The software has helped Warwickshire Police reduce crime in the area.

Police officers walking down the street

Warwickshire Police Find VC Relay is a Flexible Tool in Tackling Crime

Warwickshire Police was one of the first police forces in the UK to install and use the VC Relay messaging system; in fact, they were instrumental in helping to develop the system to ensure that it fully met modern policing needs. VC Relay is used extensively across the force to send out mass messages to businesses and other relevant organisations which are part of community schemes such as Rural Watch, Neighbourhood Watch and Business Watch.

“We originally opted to use VC Relay when it was first introduced in 2002 after extensive trial and development, “ explains Peter Guillaume, Business Crime Prevention Manager for Warwickshire Police. “We felt that the system offered all the permutations we needed to be able to effectively communicate with businesses. We needed to match all the technology requirements of business members from email, through to text and mobile telephone for non-office based members such as Rural Watch. It also satisfied our need of being available to all users anywhere on the Warwickshire Police network. There were other products on the market, but we felt that VC Relay offered more flexibility and it also integrated into our corporate voicemail solution also provided by Voice Connect.”

Warwickshire now have over 5,000 businesses on their system, with a Watch scheme on every industrial estate in Warwickshire. “We are tasked on a daily basis through the police tasking system to send out information,” adds Peter, “and are seen as a major player in the tactical options for preventing crime in Warwickshire. The system is widely used and records show that between 1st April 2006 and November 2008 we have sent out 3,190 messages.”

Police officer apprehending vehicle

Suspicious vehicle apprehended

A business rang the police to pass on the number of a vehicle that they had observed acting suspiciously nearby. Armed with this knowledge, the robbery of an adjacent business was then prevented by police action.

Security Concious

After the London bombing when there were heightened national concerns about security, Warwickshire Police was able to contact all their business members to offer reassurance and ask them to ensure that CCTV systems were all working correctly.

Since installing the system, statistics prove that business crime has decreased. Whilst this success cannot be attributed to the use of VC Relay alone, Peter feels that the improved communications structure has played an important part. “We wanted a product that could communicate with businesses and keep them engaged in the crime prevention process which VC Relay has done very successfully; it is the glue that holds the whole business crime programme together,” he comments. “Crime where the business was a victim or on a business premises is down by 33% in Warwickshire since we started using the system. It is an important part of our tactical options in dealing with business crime. One of my staff recently went to a business and saw all the faxed business watch messages on the canteen notice board – a clear sign that the system is working.”

Peter feels that VC Relay offers flexibility which is an important part of its use: for example, messages can be sent by postcode area and the system offers the facility of combining various watch groups into one message. “We can attach documents to emails and send out a message very quickly to a large body of people,” he explains. “Speed is often key to success in our community alerts and the system gives us this and more. We have also been able to export membership data for local use and mail shots and register members as participants in more than one watch scheme, but with only one record. For example, we have all the post offices in Warwickshire on the system under Post Office Watch for direct communication as a distinct group, but also as members of Shop Watch for other issues. This flexibility has proved invaluable.”

Peter concludes with this advice for police forces and organisations who may be considering installing VC Relay or a similar system. “If you want a good system for targeted communication to a broad section of the community, then this is a good product: think of it as a community communication tool. The management of all the data and entries on the system stays with the user and so complies fully with the Data Protection Act. In addition, Voice Connect is responsive to new ideas and offers good customer support whilst the VC Relay system has proved to have all the flexibility that we need to make our communications work effectively.”

Communication Software, Warrington

Communication Software, Warrington

VC Relay is a mass communication tool that allows rapid contact with the public from your organisation. Supporting text, e-mail, fax and voice messages, the software gives easy and fast 2-way communication with your target audience.

Woman inputting card details on mobile phone

VC Relay keeps Warrington’s residents in the know.

iCAN is a successful consumer alert network run by Warrington Trading Standards. The organisation aims to reach as wide an audience as possible to keep its members informed of any rogue dealers or consumer scams which are operating in the local area. Membership, which currently stands at over 2,000, is mainly comprised of local residents; it is free to join and is well-publicised within the area through regular newsletters and a comprehensive website.

In order to reach large numbers quickly, iCAN installed VC Relay, enabling its members to choose to receive alerts via email, text, phone – or all three if they choose. Prior to this, Warrington Trading Standards would usually broadcast warnings about recent consumer scams or doorstep crime via an informal network of local people. This was done by ringing them each in turn, but as the numbers grew quickly, this system became unmanageable. At this time, Trading Standards started to look at message broadcasting systems/software, eventually deciding upon VC Relay.

The Relay messaging system has been instrumental in preventing crime, including the protection of some of the area’s most vulnerable citizens. “Recently, a 90-year-old lady was saved from spending thousands of pounds on inappropriate security products following a call from an iCAN member who alerted Trading Standards. Due to the pace and reach of our alert service, Trading Standards were able to intervene in time, ensuring that the lady was supported by relatives. They were also able to extricate her from the contract before any money changed hands.”

Door-to-door salesman with clipboard

“We have received much positive feedback from members of the network.”

Another relatively common problem that iCAN deals with are incidences of rogue traders going from door to door offering to tarmac drives. Fortunately, in this example, the wrong doers were arrested, prosecuted and jailed following information provided by an iCAN member about their activities and whereabouts which enabled the police to take action swiftly.

In addition to residents, a number of local journalists are members of iCAN. This means that many of the warnings broadcast are picked up by local media without the need to issue formal press releases, extending the network of information still further. The service that iCAN provides was also central to work by Warrington Trading Standards on improving protection for the most vulnerable consumers in Warrington. The success of this work was formally recognised when Warrington Trading Standards won the Municipal Journal Award for Public Protection in 2006.

The VC Relay system is an essential part of this successful scheme and integral to the element of swift communication. “The system allows us to very rapidly issue warnings to the public of Warrington. We broadcast to our members; members broadcast in their communities to friends, relatives and neighbours and so the chain of communication goes on. In addition to this, our members and others provide information back to Trading Standards which helps to keep us one step ahead of the rogues and the scams. The fact that our network is continually growing is testament to the need for such a service and its success, at the core of which is an effective communications system.”

Patient Partner, Dundee

Patient Partner, Dundee

Scotland’s first Patient Partner site finds the system ‘a great tool for staff’

Receptionist with headset

Automated medical software solutions

Located on the east coast of Scotland in Carnoustie, just north of Dundee, this was the very first Scottish general practice to use Voice Connect’s Patient Partner. The system gives 24/7 automated telephone appointment booking to the 13,000+ patients on the surgery’s records.

Call congestion, particularly at peak times when a surgery first opens, is often a problem for many GP practices of all sizes and locations. The surgery were looking for a solution that would help address this issue, enhance patient access and ease the pressure on their busy reception desk. After considering the available options, the surgery partners authorised the installation of Patient Partner.

Whilst change isn’t always well received; the patients seem to have adapted very well to using an automated system, with significant numbers of patients using the system every time they need to make, change or cancel an appointment.

Receptionist on phone

“The customer service and support from Voice Connect has been good throughout”

Staff are pleased with the way that the Patient Partner system has integrated into the day-to-day life of the practice and feel that it has helped to make better use of their time. “The system has more than lived up to expectations. With 24-hour access, our communication channels with patients have significantly improved. The text messaging facility has also helped with non-attenders, which means that staff are working more efficiently and are far less stressed than prior to the system’s installation.”

Not only does the practice rate the Patient Partner product highly, but they also praise the service Voice Connect offers. “We are all very pleased with everything Voice Connect have done for us since the installation. Now that the system has a ‘config editor’, it is basically self-sufficient. On the few occasions that we have had to contact the helpdesk, the level of support has been exactly what we have needed.”

Furthermore, the practice business manager would be happy to recommend Patient Partner to other surgeries in Scotland looking to improve patient access and communication. “The system has saved us significant amounts of time and improved patient satisfaction. It is so efficient that we barely notice it working day to day. For anyone who is considering installing an automated booking system, my best advice would be to do your research and investigate, visit surgeries to see it working and just keep it simple. All patients want is the ability to book, check and cancel appointments with as little stress as possible.”

Lone Worker Solutions, Coventry

Lone Worker Solutions, Coventry

Coventry based utility company Severn Trent Water have been using our Lone Worker solutions for nearly 20 years and have recently migrated some of their users to our hosted platform.

Severn Trent Water Headquarters

Hosted Lone Worker Services

Severn Trent Water is one of the largest and most well known utility companies in the UK. Due to the nature of their work, looking after their lone working staff has always been a high priority.

Utilising Voice Connect’s hosted lone worker services for many years, Severn Trent Water have grown their in-house system to create a solution with full redundancy for over 2000 lone workers.

Voice Connect’s commitment to listening to our clients’ feedback can be seen with the development of GPS tracking for Severn Trent’s chemical tankers. This functionality was integrated into the lone working system to further protect their staff and the community.

Recently, a number of departments have broken away from the main Severn Trent company structure and needed to deploy lone working solutions for their staff quickly. Voice Connect’s new, fully managed, hosted service was perfect for their requirements and migration to this service is underway.

Lone Worker Support, Birmingham

Lone Worker Support, Birmingham

Having chosen VC LoneWorker for their staff, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council praises Voice Connect for their excellent customer service and are impressed with the personal care they have received.

Sandwell Metropolitan Bourough Council

Voice Connect supports lone workers in Sandwell

Sandwell is a busy conurbation in the West Midlands, situated between Birmingham and Wolverhampton. With a population of over 300,000 and an area covering 33 square miles the council provides services for a diverse and busy community.

Sandwell chose Voice Connect’s fully managed, hosted lone worker system and supplied staff with safety devices to stop and start their lone working jobs. This gives staff the reassurance they are being looked after at all times.

Staff in the mobility shops and community centre support workers have been the first to use the solution, and with the support of Voice Connect staff now use the solution to cover all aspects of their working day.

Patient Partner, Gloucestershire

Patient Partner, Gloucestershire

“Patient Partner from Voice Connect has been specifically developed to solve day-to-day communications problems experienced in General Practice. An elegant, cost-effective solution that benefits patients and staff alike”

Smiling Doctor with patient

Voice Connect systems save time and money says Practice in Gloucestershire

Practice in Gloucestershire is one of the largest in the area, consisting of three sites located around the city of Gloucester. The practice, which has over 17,300 patients on its list, has a mixed social residential demographic. Originally set up in 1896, the Practice in Gloucestershire now has 11 doctors and 51 additional clinical and administrative staff.

Good communication with patients is highly valued at Practice in Gloucestershire. The surgery uses Patient Partner automated telephone appointment booking system across the three sites, which enables patients to make, cancel, check or amend appointments around the clock, even when the surgery is closed. The installation has freed up their time, the system has been so successful that the practice has now installed complete other jobs. Additional products from Voice Connect: VC SmartMail and Medical Messenger.

“We installed the Patient Partner system with the aim of reducing the number of calls handled by our reception team,” comments IT Manager at Practice. “We also liked the fact that the system allowed our patients to self-book routine GP appointments and flu appointments during the winter season. Since its installation, Patient Partner has been very successful in a number of areas; helping us to significantly reduce call congestion, use staff time more productively and improve our communication with patients.”

Doctor showing Patient Partner App

“Both systems are easy to use; they save valuable staff time, ease our workload and offer significant financial savings”

Whilst Patient Partner takes care of telephone appointments, the next step was finding a simpler and more cost-effective way to send out reminders and communications by post. With such a large patient list, the partners at the Practice in Gloucestershire felt that adding VC SmartMail and Medical Messenger to their portfolio of Voice Connect products would help them to improve patient access still further.

“VC smartMail is used for sending out around 85% of our monthly recall letters, which can go into the hundreds,” explains IT Manager. “We also use it for the seasonal flu campaign and to send letters to particular targeted group of patients e.g…

The annual health check and other health campaigns. Medical Messenger is also used for appointment booking confirmations and reminders, which has helped to reduce DNA’s. Both systems are easy to use; they save valuable staff time, ease our workload and offer significant financial savings.

Staff find that using the Voice Connect systems has freed up their time, allowing them to complete other jobs which previously had to be put aside in order to deal with telephone enquiries. IT Manager also reports that all three systems are well received by patients. “Patient Partner, VC SmartMail and Medical Messenger have all lived up to our expectations. Our patients like the systems and are thankful that they can book a routine appointment any time of the day or week. In addition, they like the fact that when we have bookable flu clinics, they can also book these when they want, without having to go through the reception team.

“Our patients like the systems and are thankful that they can book a routine appointment any time of the day or week”

VC SmartMail has enabled staff at Practice in Gloucestershire to send out written communications quickly and cheaply. Once staff time, printing and stationery costs are all factored into the price of sending a second class letter from a GP, using VC SmartMail, offers significant savings for the Practice in Gloucestershire, and other surgeries who use the service.

With happy patients and happy staff there’s not much that the IT Manager would want to change about the system. “As a whole, all three Voice Connect systems do what they say on the tin! VC SmartMail and Medical Messenger have made some great savings for us in terms of staff time, postage and stationary costs whilst Patient Partner has eased our call congestion issues. If there are ever any problems, there is a good support team at Voice Connect who are able to help quickly and efficiently.” As a multiple site using the systems, the IT Manager insists that they have been crucial in helping the practice to improve communication whilst making large financial savings. His advice to other surgeries considering installing any of the systems? “Go for it!”

Patient Partner, Surrey

Patient Partner, Surrey

“Patient Partner from Voice Connect has been specifically developed to solve day-to-day communications problems experienced in General Practice. An elegant, cost-effective solution that benefits patients and staff alike”

Doctor listening to patient

Busy Phone Lines Lead Decision to Opt for Patient Partner

The Surrey & Branch Medical Practice is comprised of two sites. Both surgeries are housed in a modern, purpose-built premises, having merged to become one practice in April 2008. The practice employs 30 staff across the two sites, including 6 partners and 2 GP retainers, as well as 5 practice nurses and staff in various clinical and administrative roles. They have approximately 10,300 patients on their list.

As the phone lines were always busy at both sites, the partners and business manager at The Surrey & Branch Medical Practice decided that installing an automated appointment booking service would help ease the pressure on reception as part of their aim of ‘providing family based care in a modern and progressive environment.

“We felt that installing the Patient Partner system would ease phone congestion at busy times and offer patients a better service,” explains the Business Manager. “This would also help ease their frustration with the difficulties of obtaining appointments. We did have some concerns before going ahead: mainly about the cost and whether the level of patient uptake would make it viable, but decided to go for it.”

However, the Business Manager and her team at The Surrey & Branch Medical Practice have worked hard to ensure that patients know about the system. They have produced an information leaflet for patients, which is also accessible from the practice’s comprehensive website

Patient on mobile phone

”We felt that installing the system would ease phone congestion at busy times and offer patients a better service.”

“The Surrey & Branch Medical Practice has the goal of providing family-based care in a modern and progressive environment.”

The Business Manager reports that Patient Partner has lived up to expectations and has made a tangible difference within the practice. “Using the system has provided us with many benefits,” the Business Manager comments. “It has achieved the objective of reducing congestion at peak call times, which in turn frees up time for our receptionists to get on with other tasks. We have also found that, by making it easier to cancel appointments at any time, our DNA rate has reduced.

Patient reaction to the system has also been positive and the Business Manager feels that it has increased patient satisfaction by making it easier for them to get in touch with staff at both surgeries. It has also changed the way our patients make appointments: we have found that the vast majority of appointments booked using the system are done so out of hours.

The Business Manager also reports that using the system has enabled them to change the way that calls are handled for the better.

Having the system has given the receptionists another option to offer the patient, i.e. that if they ring back after 6.30pm, appointments will be released during the evening, or if they ring back at 1pm, appointments are released during the lunch hour. This is an additional option to the usual one of ringing back next morning or at 2pm. We find that our patients are much happier as they know they will be able to get through to try and make an appointment out of hours.

There is no doubt that the installation of Patient Partner at The Surrey & Branch Medical Practice has had a positive impact on staff and patients. “Patient Partner is an excellent product which has revolutionised the way patients can access appointments,” comments the Business Manager. “It has created considerable savings in reception time. It does need to be advertised and fully utilised to get the best from the system, but any surgery considering giving it a go will reap the benefits – and in a fairly short time frame.

Patient Partner, Dorset

Patient Partner, Dorset

“Patient Partner from Voice Connect has been specifically developed to solve day-to-day communications problems experienced in General Practice. An elegant, cost-effective solution that benefits patients and staff alike”

Doctor with patient

24 hours society means “We wouldn’t be without Patient Partner” says South Coast, Dorset surgery

As a society, we are now used to 24-hour access to almost whatever we want. With late-night convenience shopping, Sunday opening and 24-hour banking via the internet as the norm, it’s no wonder that GP opening hours are being questioned. Whilst the reality of the huge additional expense of physically staffing reception over the weekend or into the evening is rarely taken into account, there are more financially viable ways to extend patient access.

The idea for Patient Partner was born out of the question ‘how can we improve patient access without increasing staff costs?’ The result was a system that works alongside a practice’s existing telephone system, which can take calls from patients around the clock. Regardless of the surgery’s opening hours, patients can book, cancel or rearrange their appointments whenever they choose. Whilst the idea of the 24-hour society might seem the preserve of city dwellers; it is also very popular with the more forward-thinking rural Practice Manager.

Bringing round the clock booking to the Dorset Surgery

The Dorset Surgery is located in the south of England, a few miles north of the South Coast, in a largely residential area. The practice currently employs 22 staff, including 5 GPs and 17 staff in a range of clinical and administrative roles. It is part of the umbrella of Dorset and Somerset Health Authority

Patient on mobile phone

“The customer service and support from Voice Connect has been good throughout”

The surgery is committed to high quality patient care and works hard to keep patients informed about events and services with a comprehensive website as well as regular practice newsletters that patients can subscribe to online.

The Partners and Practice Manager at the Dorset Surgery decided to install an automated appointment system as a means of increasing patient choice and access. Whilst patients are currently able to cancel appointments and order repeat prescriptions online, they can make appointments only via the phone. The management team hoped that introducing an automated system would make it easier for patients to get through, in addition to easing pressure on the receptionists.

After meeting with representatives from Voice Connect, the decision was made to go ahead with Patient Partner, and the system was installed.

The installation went smoothly, and the Practice Manager felt that Voice Connect supported them through the installation process. “The customer service and support from Voice Connect has been good throughout”, the Practice manager comments.

It seems that the patients at the Dorset Surgery like that they can make appointments around the clock seven days a week – a feature which is particularly popular with those who work full time or at unsociable hours. The surgery also continues advertising the service to encourage more patients to use it. “Patient Partner has certainly helped with patient satisfaction – the patients who use it really like it,” comments the Practice Manager. “We would like to see a greater uptake of the service in the future, but it has taken a lot of pressure from the receptionists. This has also saved on the salary budget as the number of telephone calls coming into reception has dropped. This didn’t happen overnight: it took a while for our patients to get used to the system and to use it, but neither the staff nor our patients want to be without Patient Partner now.”

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    Key Features

    Phone Access

    The telephone remains the preferred method for patients to contact NHS services. Clinic Partner allows users to book, check, change, and cancel appointments automatically using their telephone keypad or mobile phone.

    Online Booking

    Using email registration, Clinic Partner, enables patients to access past and future appointments from their profile on our web portal. The portal sends appointment reminders via text and allows patients to book and cancel as and when they require.

    Self Check-in

    Be it a fixed kiosk or iPad/tablet check in, Clinic Partner works to alleviate pressure from the reception team with its self-check in features, allowing patients to automatically check-in when they arrive for their appointment. *Please note this is a software only element - the screen is not provided by Voice Connect*

    Calling Screen

    Clinic Partner comes with a waiting room display feature. The system highlights when clinicians are ready for the next patient and directs them to the correct room/cubicle. The feature can also display bespoke messages at the bottom of the screen, managed from the main back office. * Please note this is a software only element - the screen is not provided by Voice Connect*

    Facility Management

    Users of Clinic Partner can configure the system to their bespoke needs, this includes; number of rooms available, clinic opening hours, appointment availability, walk-in appointment availability and weekend/Bank Holiday management.


    Run reports online or via Microsoft Excel, Clinic Partner allows users to have valuable data at their fingertips. The system allows supervisors to access reporting remotely, aiding staff management and planning.

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